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A District's Journey to CLASS 2nd Edition: A Conversation with Evaluators from SMU

Evaluators from Southern Methodist University (SMU) have supported the Dallas Independent School District (ISD) district-wide use of CLASS in pre-K through 3rd-grade classrooms for 9 years. In 2022, the group supported the transition to CLASS 2nd Edition. The enhancements in CLASS 2nd Edition include more inclusive and reflective examples across diverse settings, easier-to-understand language, and more actionable data to help drive improvement.

So, what did the transition look like? How did they make this transition so quickly after the release of CLASS 2nd Edition? Learn more about the transition and how it supported educators and children in this webinar. 

  • August 6, 2024
  • 2 p.m. EST

This Webinar Starts In:

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    In this webinar:


    An exclusive peek at the emerging findings from using CLASS 2nd Edition


    Learn about onboarding a large team of observers, coaches, and administrators

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    Learn about Dallas ISD’s transition to CLASS 2nd Edition

    About The Speakers

    Dylan Farmer

    Dylan Farmer

    Assistant Director
    Center on Research and Evaluation, Southern Methodist University

    Dawn Levy

    Dawn Levy

    Evaluation Coordinator
    Center on Research and Evaluation

    Beja Williams

    Beja Williams

    Director of Partnership Development

    At Teachstone, we’re helping educators around the world leverage the proven power of interactions to help more students thrive. As the company behind the CLASS® tool, we empower schools’ leaders and educators to understand the interactions that matter most, develop their skills, and assess their progress. From actionable feedback and training to user-friendly content and tech, Teachstone offers everything needed to apply and advance the simple art of intentional interactions.

    boys playing in a classroom