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Addressing Bias in Scoring Negative Climate


Look For

As you watch this video, look for how the trainer:

  • Acknowledges the possibility of emotional bias
  • Advises participants to stay grounded in the manual
  • Articulates the fact that the CLASS tool measures the full range of behaviors

The trainer also:

  • Points out and affirms an existing relationship with a participant
  • Affirms the participant’s feelings


Reflect on an emotionally charged classroom situation from your own experience. What techniques might you suggest an observer use to remain objective if they encounter a similar situation?

Read the blog post Remaining Objective: Moving Beyond “I Felt Like...” for more insight into acknowledging and managing bias.

Pick a current news item that is being widely discussed and find an article on the topic from both a major news outlet and a blog or other small publication. Note statements in the stories that reflect objectivity and ones that reflect a bias. Rewrite subjective sentences more objectively.

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