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    Ask Me Anything: All About CLASS Research

    A live webinar on January 25 at 3 p.m. ET

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    A one-hour live Ask Me Anything (AMA) where you can ask experts your questions about CLASS research. 

    In this AMA, the presenters will talk about:

    • The latest findings from research that uses the CLASS

    • The most common questions that our CLASS researchers get asked
    • CLASS averages—what we know and how you can use the data.

    Register for the AMA by filling out the form on this page. Don't forget to submit any questions you'd like our presenters to answer on air! 

    Presented by:

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    Allie Kallmann

    Allie Kallmann recently completed her M.A. in Early Childhood Education Policy at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is currently supporting Teachstone's research efforts from her new home in Charlottesville, VA.

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    Sarah Hadden 

    Sarah Hadden is the Senior Advisor for Research and Professional Services at Teachstone. Prior to that, she worked at the University of Virginia on the development and implementation of the first CLASS-based PD programs and as a former early childhood special education teacher.

    Register for the Event: