Many of our Teachstone staff members are parents, or enjoy nieces, nephews, godchildren, and “little friends.” It’s wonderful to welcome new additions to our staff family (the latest arrived just last week!) and to connect with the youngest children. Many others are former teachers and educators, who still keep track of their students’ accomplishments.
That’s what makes the work we do so personal. Yes, in the abstract, we all know that every child deserves a great teacher - it’s a moral imperative. But it is something really special to see great teachers interact with your own children, and to connect with other adults who are sincerely invested in the incredible, beautiful, unique child in your life. We celebrate those educators each day, and this week, we celebrate the young children they work with.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is celebrating the Week of the Young Child™ April 12-16, 2021. It’s a great time to remind ourselves that “children's opportunities are our responsibilities, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that each and every child experiences the type of early environment—at home, at child care, at school, and in the community—that will promote their early learning.”
So, this week, let’s raise our voices to recognize the uniqueness and joy of young children. Let’s think about how we support their growth and development. Let’s make plans to build awareness in our communities about what young children need. And then, when this week’s up, let’s continue this conversation because our children deserve it.