From phone calls to meetings to conferences to trainings to social media—I spent A LOT of time discussing the CLASS. And one thing people constantly ask me is, “How can I take the next step in boosting my CLASS knowledge?”
If you are already an observer, one way to take the next step in your CLASS journey is by completing Teachstone’s Train-the-Trainer (TTT) program. Completing the TTT has some enormous benefits, including:
- You become a Certified CLASS Affiliate Trainer
- You are able to deliver CLASS Intros and Observation Trainings to people in your program
- You become part of the Teachstone family, which means you get tons of exclusive content, invitations to affiliate events, and even early-access to CLASS reports before they are released to the public.
- You become a CLASS leader, someone to whom people turn for questions, support, and insights related to quality classroom interactions
Take the quiz below to find out if you are a good candidate for the TTT program!