I’ve just spent four days in Roanoke at this year’s VAECE annual conference. As it always does, this organization—so dear to my heart—put on a high quality experience for more than 1100 attendees. I’m honored to have been the past president of this organization and an active member for over 20 years. The passion for children and families and dedication I have witnessed has not dissipated one bit!
I presented two sessions and was able to spend time at our booth in the Exhibit Hall. It was wonderful to share the power of the CLASS™ and have great conversations with so many people—both new friends and “old."
One of the highlights of my first presentation was a delegation of educators from Malaysia who drove to Roanoke from New York to attend my session. They were so interested in the CLASS tool and were active and engaged participants even though it was midnight on their internal time clocks!
Another great moment was the chance to meet Judy Jablon who spoke of her work with Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning. She made mention of the work of Teachstone and how her work and our work are wonderful partners in the quest to improve the lives of children.
I’m sad to know it will be a year before I see so many of my long time and my new friends, but the excitement and enthusiasm we all felt will last me through!