The Department of Education (DOE) has released another round of Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge (RTTELC) money. Applications are due October 16, 2013; there’s $280 million on the table, so the race is truly on.
What makes this round different? Well, for starters …
- There’s a big focus on pre-K to third-grade approaches with the goal of sustaining gains from preschool. Unlike before, this is now a competitive priority (instead of an invitational priority), which can earn states up to 10 additional points.
- Relatedly, there’s a new emphasis on teacher preparation; to meet the pre-K to third grade competitive priority, applicants must put forth a plan to improve the quality and continuity from pre-K to third grade; improving teacher education programs is one way to do this. We’re excited to see this, particularly with Teachstone's new focus on teacher education.
- It also includes a focus on addressing the challenges faced by rural communities; we know this is a struggle across the early childhood field, so it’s great to see this elevated.
For those new to the Race to the Top process, the New America Foundation does a great job covering this topic and has dedicated a section of their Early Ed Watch blog to the topic.
We know this can be overwhelming, but Teachstone is here to help. If you have questions about the application process, and if you want to talk with us about what role the CLASS system can play in your Race to the Top application, please contact me at amy.sofka@teachstone.com or Rebecca Berlin at rebecca.berlin@teachstone.com. And best of luck!
Photo Credit: Gillian Burdett, examiner.com