What is the Early Head Start Child Care Partnership Grant (EHS-CCP)?
The EHS-CCP Grant allows Early Head Start programs to work alongside local, existing childcare centers, including family childcare settings. The goal of this grant is to seek out ways to fund more and more birth-to-five programs, increasing accessibility to high-quality child care to working families across the United States.
Where did the Early Head Start Child Care Partnership Grant come from?
This grant has been set-aside by The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the government branch that “promotes the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities with partnerships, funding, guidance, training, and technical assistance.” Two of ACF’s programs include: expanding access to high-quality Child Care to families, and developing Early Learning and Development systems (like Head Start).
Two years ago this grant funded almost 300 grantees, but this year Congress has increased funding, further increasing the chances of low-income children to receive high-quality child care.
As a company that believes in the importance of high-quality early education for all children, we are poised and ready to support you and your program apply for this grant.
So, how can Teachstone help?
- Our friends at Heartland Grant Solutions created a helpful EHS-CCP/EHS Staffing Capacity Guidance tip sheet. The chart outlines common positions in the EHS and EHS-CCP program and the activities required to meet the Head Start Program Performance Standards and some commonly combined positions to help with your planning.
- Need help coordinating data and supporting staff across all levels? Our online service, myTeachstone, can help. It leverages the work you’re already doing, by combining CLASS observation data and reporting with a library of resources from which coaches can assign personalized and intentional PD. Learn more.
- We have a team of in-the-field experts who would love to support your grant application efforts. Talk to one Regional Directors who love hearing about programs’ specific needs and visions. They will personally work with you to find solutions and help you navigate through the process. Call (877) 401-8007 to start a conversation.
Submitting an application can be difficult and we’re here to help. We wish you the best of luck as you take an important step toward improving access to high-quality childcare to children in your area.