CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Nov. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Teachstone, pioneering developer of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) included in 23 states' Quality Rating and Improvement Systems and used by Head Start programs nationwide, today announced the release of "Meaningful Interactions at Home," a suite of resources designed to help the families of young children turn everyday moments into opportunities for their children to learn, grow, and engage.
"Meaningful interactions are at the core of great learning experiences for children. And, now more than ever, children need our support, both in the classroom and at home," said Teachstone CEO and Co-Founder Bridget Hamre. "Teachstone is thrilled to help families to discover new ways to strengthen their child's learning in the context of everyday moments and view themselves as an active teacher in their child's life."
Over 200 research studies have demonstrated that children in classrooms with more effective teacher-student interactions, as measured by CLASS, have improved literacy and math outcomes, as well as increased social and cognitive skills. The impact of high-quality adult-child interactions even shows up in basic physiological responses. Research has found a decrease in cortisol levels among students in classrooms with higher emotional support metrics, meaning they feel less stress than their peers in less emotionally supportive learning environments.
Meaningful Interactions at Home gives families and caregivers access to the same evidence-based strategies that teachers use each day to support a child's cognitive, social, emotional development.
Meaningful Interactions at Home, intended for families with children birth through age 4, includes a one-hour virtual workshop designed for families and facilitated by a CLASS® expert, an online platform that hosts the workshop live, and on demand, a promotional toolkit to help providers advertise the offering to their families, and a suite of send-home materials, like craft supplies, to support at-home engagement.
It is now available to early childhood care and education providers to purchase for the families they serve. Learn more about Meaningful Interactions at Home.