As TikTok has exploded so has the presence of educator influencers. In today's episode, our host Marnetta takes a deep look at the role of influencers in education. Our guests Arielle, known as Mrs. Frazzled on social media, and Miss Redacted gained fame on TikTok where they've shared their humorous takes on what goes on in the classroom, as well as commentary on important issues. They have also started their own podcast, Teacher Quit Talk, centered on why teachers are leaving the classroom. In this conversation, they discuss what roles and responsibilities teacher influencers have to their audience, to equity, and to educators everywhere. 

You can listen now and find the transcript below. 


Marnetta: Hello, listeners. Welcome back to Impacting The Classroom, the podcast that talks about big topics that have an even bigger impact in early education. I'm your host, Marnetta Larrimer.

If you've been active on social media over the past few years, you may have come across future influencers, first on Instagram and now on TikTok. Today, we will be talking about the rise of the influencer in early childhood education and what their role should be in the conversations we're having about education.

What's impacting the classroom? With me here today are Arielle who you may know as Mrs. Frazzled because she got married and Miss Redacted. Welcome, ladies.

Arielle: Thank you.

Miss Redacted: Hi.

Marnetta: Do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself before we get started?

Miss Redacted: Sure. I can start. I'm Miss Redacted. I'm no longer in the classroom. I taught early Head Start, which is really, really little kids, age like six weeks to three years for a year, and then I taught high school, 11th grade US history for two years.

Mrs. Frazz and I have a podcast together. I also now teach history classes on Twitch. Even though I'm no longer in the classroom, I still feel deeply connected to education.

Marnetta: Thank you.

Arielle: I'm Arielle, Mrs Frazzled. A lot of you probably have seen me because I make videos on TikTok. I also talk about fun words that kindergarten students in my classroom make up. I talk a lot about the issues in education, giving a raw, real, and hopefully sometimes comedic look at the lives of teachers in and out of the classroom.

Marnetta: I'm sorry, I'm just tickled. I saw some of your episodes and they were very entertaining. I can't wait for this conversation.

Arielle: Thank you.

Marnetta: Let's start off with an easy question. We have seen a rise in educator influencers. What responsibility do they have to their audience, especially given the current climate of teaching?

Arielle: I think that's something that is on both Redacted and my mind a lot because it really varies on who you ask, obviously. My personal view is that as teacher educators and influencers in this space, we have a responsibility to be honest, if nothing else, and also bring awareness to the issues in education, especially when you have a large platform. I don't think it does anyone any good to just sugarcoat everything and make it all look like sunshine and rainbows, because although that is a part of teaching and it's amazing, it's not the whole picture.

I think that social media in general does a really good job of showing the highlight reel. But for me, I feel that I personally have a responsibility to also show that there are challenges, and that's very normal and that's okay. For me, that's what I think.

Miss Redacted: I really want to echo what Frazz said. To me, it's all about being genuine, because when we talk about the conditions of teaching and the things that are going on, that looks different for every teacher, for every grade level, for every subject, and for all of that.

I think bringing, as a teacher influencer, your genuine perspective about what you're experiencing, what your students are experiencing, and the other flip side of that is on how to solve some of these issues, is that I never think it's productive for a teacher influencer to be talking about something just because they feel like they need to say something about it or just because they feel like it's a statement they should talk about if they don't actually care about it.

I think for people to really find the things that are important to them. I taught history. History education and civics education is something that's extremely important to me that I speak on a lot. It wouldn't be super impactful for me to be talking a ton about fifth grade literacy because that's not something I'm particularly connected to.

I think teacher influencers finding what's genuine to them that they can make the biggest impact in is their responsibility and making sure just the basics of your language, the phrases you choose, the people you interact with, are not bringing harm to anyone.

Marnetta: You were talking about the highlight reel, the hot topics as what I might call it. What has been the most challenging or controversial TikTok you've had based on the current climate, like what's going on in the education field?

Miss Redacted: It's ironic that you say this. I know it's a serious question, but I actually just had to delete a video because it was getting a little too intense in the comment section. It was over AirPods in the classroom.

Just my rules around kids wearing AirPods and people were just getting extremely, extremely upset about it. it, which is interesting, because I've noticed when I've made TikToks about things that you would think are more controversial, sometimes it's less, but then the most random thing will get people so fired up that you're like, I was talking about laws, inequities, and these things that have real disagreements, and you all are at each other's throats over AirPods?

Marnetta: You think that that's more because it's comfortable, right?

Miss Redacted: Exactly.

Marnetta: Talking about inequity, you call yourself out based on your response or maybe you don't know how to respond.

Miss Redacted: I think it's also the other creators and commenters feeling the freedom to say something about that. Because if you make a video about genuine inequity, for someone to disagree with you, they're going to need a pretty well-formed opinion or argument to have a productive conversation with you, as opposed to AirPods where they can just be like, you're actually ruining every child's life.

Marnetta: There's no depth to that, right?

Miss Redacted: Exactly.

Marnetta: There are no layers to that.

Miss Redacted: A lot of times, the layered post, they got to scroll.

Marnetta: It may be, right? Arielle?

Arielle: That is such a good point. The AirPods are something that's easy to engage with. When you brought that up, Redacted, it reminded me of my water bottle video that got 13 million views or something.

During Covid, the water fountains were closed at my school. My students couldn't go to the water fountain, but they would often forget their water bottles. I didn't want to go downstairs and get them disposable ones, so I just bought reusable ones from the dollar store. And people had the most to say about it. Like, why aren't you labeling it special? Why aren't you decorating it? Why aren't you building something in your classroom for it? All of that.

It was really interesting because again, I definitely have hit on way harder topics. I mentioned earlier in our discussion that I got myself doxxed during election season. In Meena Harris's comment section, I said, my students just love your aunt. They were so excited to see her on the TV being elected vice president, it was huge for them.

People got so irritated. They were like, you're indoctrinating children. I was like, I showed them who won the election, what are you talking about? That was very controversial for them. It's interesting how it's much more comfortable to engage with those easy low-hanging topics.

Marnetta: Most definitely.

Miss Redacted: I forgot that. People were getting wild. People were like, the BPA is going to kill the children. You never cared. And the bottle literally said BPA-free in the video. I was like, are you okay?

Marnetta: Wow. That brings me to my next question. You have this platform, this huge following, a lot to say. For those who are listening, as two white women in the spotlight, how do you see the role of social media influencers in improving equity within the education system? Redacted, you already talked a little bit about civic education and things like that. Let's expand on that.

Miss Redacted: I think it's definitely something that you need to be hyper conscious of, especially in the education world, especially when you're working in a community where it's not predominantly white. Or even any community, it's something you need to be conscious of.

Just what you were saying about the passions around civic education and the things that I like, it's no secret that the algorithm prefers certain people that look a certain way. When I look at my stats, if I have my hair down, if I have fake eyelashes on, if I have certain things on, my numbers do way better. To me, I love using my platform to talk about things like history education.

I work in Florida, so so much of the curriculum is so biased and so much about the experiences of people of color in the United States has been completely left out. I've loved being able to do my history streams and talk for 2½ hours very in depth about those topics, because I know this magic capitalistic numbers game algorithm thing is feeding people here. It's my responsibility to do something productive with their time that's going to make the world a better place for everyone in it, as corny as that sounds.

Marnetta: Arielle?

Arielle: We have a unique opportunity because not only are we educators in the space, we are also influencers. To echo what Redacted said, we know that the algorithms suppress people of color. We've seen it time and time again. We've seen the evidence for it.

I think we're seeing that mirrored in our schools. We know that the issues and the inequities are everywhere. It never has that been more clear than after Covid came and sent us all home, out of the classroom and into our homes.

Miss Redacted: And being very intentional about which creators you interact with. Some creators might look so wholesome and great, but they have skeletons in their closet that are not hard to find. Being intentional about interacting and partnering with people that are creating an equitable and inclusive space, and then listening to creators of color, and being intentional about including them in community and conversation in all of these things, because putting yourself in an echo chamber is not going to be helpful to anyone.

Being intentional about interacting and partnering with people that are creating an equitable and inclusive space, and then listening to creators of color, and being intentional about including them in community and conversation in all of these things, because putting yourself in an echo chamber is not going to be helpful to anyone.

I think that is incredibly easy to do when you're on the internet to put yourself in an echo chamber. Be willing to follow people that make you be like, oh, should I have not said that at that point in time? Or should I have not done that and be willing to learn from that reality? As opposed to just surrounding yourself with people that make you feel like everything you're doing is perfect and great, and you're never harming anyone ever.

Marnetta: Right. If you're doing all this equity work and it's a real passion of yours, you're holding yourself accountable to venting to people that you're connecting to, because otherwise, you're just really talking. It's just lip service. I really feel strongly about this, but I'm going to partner myself with someone who has the opposite belief system or moral compass that you are leaning into.

Arielle: I think that social media is meant to be a community. One thing, being intentional with your community involves not girl bossing and gatekeeping in the sense that I'm in group chats with people and we're very transparent about what we're paid. We don't want anyone to get shortchanged because we've also seen that BIPOC individuals are often shorted for the same exact deliverables as white, cisgender, thin individuals that are getting these brand deals.

It's really important to me to surround myself with people that we can talk about things. If a brand is a little shady, we call out the brand and we let everyone know, hey, this happened, this was not cool, just be aware of that.

I feel that that responsibility falls on us as individual influencers because you're not going to see brands holding themselves accountable. The algorithm is not going to change. It's going to have to come from us. As sad as that is, but that's how we make changes together and again, not falling into the echo chamber which TikTok just makes it so easy to do.

Marnetta: I think a good example of that is Addison Rae, who was a Louisiana person and taking the dances, the creations of people of color, and using that to elevate her status. It took her to these wonderful extremes and not really given them the credit, the recognition, or the acknowledgement of those dances.

That was a great example, because then she showed up on TV and people were like, whoa, hold on. Those aren't hers. It actually started over here, right?

Arielle: That literally happened to me recently. No kidding. I did an ad and it was very well received. I don't think I can say what it's for because I signed the thing, but it was well received. It was about a government program for food.

Another creator reached out to me and was like, hey, I've been making this content for a year. And I actually was speaking to that agency and they said to me, hey, we're going to make an influencer program based on your content, does that sound okay? She was like, actually, no. You'd have to buy that, that's my intellectual property. The campaign changed hands, and it continued on without her.

Myself, her, and another group of influencers, were all put on the same campaign that was based on her intellectual property. When she reached out to me and was like, this is what's going on, I was like, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We have really been in communication about that type of thing, because it's just horrible to me that that would, oh, she was black and I'm white.

You go into the comment section. She's talking about the same government program that I am, but she's getting caught comments like, oh, this is a handout, this is a shame. Then in my comment section, same video, same campaign, I'm getting, oh, this is so wonderful, thank you for bringing awareness to this. Thank you for normalizing this.

It's something that really, really deeply highlighted that for me. I'm thankful that the conversation was had, but again, so upset that my new friend is experiencing this racism on the app. It's just very prevalent. But if we don't talk about it again, we're not going to be able to address it and make changes in the space.

Marnetta: That's some very overt bias.

Miss Redacted: From a creator perspective, I'm really, really grateful for creators like Frazz that share these things, that have a bigger following than I do, because I haven't done a ton of brand deals. I so easily would have not connected those dots.

Having people be transparent about this is how you get these things, you have a responsibility to do this and showing the way to do this in a way that's going to help everybody, and be a positive impact, and where people are getting the pay they deserve and are getting the recognition that they deserve, and being so intentional about the brands that you work with.

I think for a lot of people, it can be, I don't want to say intimidating, but if you've never structured a brand deal, you don't know how to look into that. You're not a manager yourself, so having creators be transparent about what that back-end process looks like with each other, just like Frazz did with that woman who makes the similar campaign videos.

Marnetta: It's also right. You're doing this and you're rising up. You're doing it because you love it. You want to elevate your status. There's also this initial excitement, so you don't really think about it. It's just like, oh, yes, this company wants to work with me. I'm going to make some dollars. It's hard to step back and be like, whoa, but really think about what this entails and how it would impact, really, your reputation and your followers.

You talked about inequity and pay and how you've been advocating for that. What are some other things around equity that you guys have been working on?

Miss Redacted: One thing about equity that I found extremely interesting, especially since Frazz and I started doing the podcast, is how much inequity there is in American education by region. I taught in Florida, Frazz teaches in California. I grew up in Georgia, so I've interacted with a variety of school systems.

It's just completely shocking to me that a student in New York gets triple the amount of funding for their education per year than a student in Florida. It's just insane to me that we live in a country that allows that to happen, and it's 100%, normalized.

To hear that kids move out of one state and get to another state, and are so behind and have learned completely different things, and haven't been serviced the way they needed. Hearing the submissions from people and hearing from a teacher in California has shown me, even what I already knew is even more exacerbated and even more detail around that.

Arielle: I totally agree with you. It's been really eye opening just to be on social media in general. I started during the pandemic when we all went online and I just was like, what's this TikTok app about? I very quickly found educators from all over the world.

So often I would say, well, this is how it is. My comment section will be filled with things like, actually, no, that's how it is in Southern California. I teach in Los Angeles, but that's not how it is everywhere. In LAUSD, I don't work there, but LAUSD is the biggest California school district.

In our area, schools are funded by income tax dollars. What ends up happening is there are huge inequities across this giant area. LA County has Brentwood and South Gate. It has the Palisades and it has East LA. It's everywhere. It's all over the pay scale. What ends up happening is these schools have a lot of resources or almost no resources.

I have friends that teach in LAUSD who are shocked that I've never had a smartboard in my classroom. I've never had certain technologies because they're like, well, aren't you at a Title I? Don't you guys get additional funding? I'm like, allegedly, I would love to know where it is.

Talking about that has really opened my eyes to just how different it is state to state, county to county, region to region, because there are also differences in how teachers are credentialed. The very way that teachers are teaching is so different. That adds to what Redacted were saying about the different education that our students are getting and the technologies that were sent home during the pandemic for students to learn on.

Some kids got old Chromebooks, and some kids got brand new iPads all sent home for them. Some kids didn't have Wi-Fi, so they're getting hotspots, but the hotspots aren't that great. You're seeing it so much more clearly now. But yes, it's just like what you're saying. It's absolutely true, Redacted.

Miss Redacted: Another example of inequity, this is one of my favorite stories to tell when talking about this. It's not my favorite because it's good, but my favorite because I think it's really emblematic. Inequity is really sneaky within school systems, too. It's not always a budget item. It's not always an allowed statistic.

One example is, neither of these schools are schools that I worked at, but I just had friends, colleagues that were there. One school had a PTA that was in a very, very upper class area, even though it was a public school and got the same funding as the other public school.

The PTA raised over six figures every year that they would put back into teachers' classrooms. For technology, they paid for a new floor for the gym one time and some really incredible resources that the school needs. The school in the same district, not super far away, got all the same funding, was in a working class community.

Those parents don't have thousands and thousands of dollars a year to put into the PTA, so those students didn't get those resources. I think when you talk about education and inequity, it's the same as any other inequity in US history or in world history that the roots go deep, it's sneaky, and insidious in the way that it plays out.

Marnetta: That is a really good visual example. Thank you for adding that. Speaking with that, this is a great transition to the next question. We're talking about the educators, like the inequity in the classroom, of resources.

You're teaching and don't have what you need. You can't give children the same experiences as they can get in other places. Do you think that social media and educator influencers are driving the conversation about the teacher shortage, the whys, the whats, and how they can lift their voices and sound off for the educators?

Arielle: I think that is such an important question. It's something that I know we (Redacted and I), grapple with all the time. I think one thing that teachers and social media do so often is highlight what can be bought with your own money. What can be done if you have a lot of free time on your hands?

Some teacher influencers are literally producing content in their house that they've designed to look like a classroom. Where that leaves a lot of educators looking at this, like, why doesn't my school have this? Why don't I have the time to give this to my students? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with where I am? But really, it's a facade.

When we're in this area of highlighting inequities and raising voices of people that are marginalized, you're seeing people more concerned sometimes about their follower count or how they're perceived. I think that that's really irresponsible. To be very candid about it, I think that we have never been, especially with the teacher shortage right now, in a more critical moment to bring change to the education system in so many ways.

If we aren't talking about it, it's not going to get fixed, like I said before. But it doesn't mean that we have to be hopeless about it. It doesn't mean that we have to be doom and gloom all the time. I actually think that this could be a really hopeful moment.

This could be a really beautiful time of bringing about change. It's only going to be that way, though, if we make it so. It's not just going to happen on its own, because social media does not reward talking about difficult topics.

Miss Redacted: I interpreted the question a little bit differently, but in terms of the teacher influencers, with the shortages and the way it's being discussed, are they driving the conversation? What we were saying earlier about echo chambers is sometimes I'll be on TikTok and I'm like, yeah, everyone knows the teacher shortage is so bad. It's so crazy, everyone's talking about it. And then I turn on the news and it's like a 30-second clip.

I think social media is great, and social media is also terrible. But one of the things that I love about social media is I think it's really an amazing way to have boots on the ground for any situation and to be hearing from people that are in it. Because when they are on the news, they interviewed a union president that I have interacted with who treated me very terribly, and was part of the reason I left teaching. That's not the voice of the people.

Just how when there's a major weather event, you'd like to hear from the people right there. I think that's a great thing about teacher influencers on the Internet and non-influencers. Just teachers on the internet sharing their experience is they're sharing the very real reasons why they left, because everyone has a different reason.

I was very transparent on my account. I live in Florida. I was not provided a raise and pay. My housing costs in Florida have gone up over 50% in the last two years. My rent went from $1100-$1700. I could not stay living on that salary.

That was my experience. Different people left for a completely different experience. I think the teacher, TikTokers, Twitter people, Instagram people, whatever really positive way they're driving the conversation is showing the variety of reasons that are leading to the teacher shortage, because there's no one reason. It looks different for every person in every classroom in every situation.

Marnetta: That being said, because there has been an exodus. It's not even just leaving the classroom, they left education, period. You have teachers who are getting whole new professions. They're not even changing subjects, agents. What would you say to those who have decided to stay?

Miss Redacted: To those who have decided to stay, I applaud you. I love you. I'm so proud of you. Thank you, because it's hard to leave. I still grapple with a lot of guilt over it. To those who stay, it's hard to say what I would say to them because I know they're in such a tough position and they're so needed. I just want so much better for them. I hope that by people leaving and talking about what's going on, it gets better.

I also know to the people who have stayed, I'm not trying to drive a teacher shortage right now, but I know a lot of educators who their whole life they wanted to be a teacher, they're very, very committed to it, they majored in it, and they're very afraid to leave.

I would just say, if you want to stay, absolutely stay. Rock on. Stay. But if you want to leave and the only thing holding you back is fear of trying another field, fear of trying something new, you are so much stronger and so much more capable. Teachers do so much more than anyone in a corporate office can stay.

Your abilities are so beyond what you think they are. You can do amazing in other fields. Don't let your own fears hold you back. But those of you that are in it and want to stay in it, I bow down to you. Send me your Amazon wishlist. I'm praying for you.

Marnetta: Arielle?

Arielle: I feel like people who are still in the field have a really unique opportunity. We remember that we are in a teacher shortage right now. If somebody comes at you with some nonsense, remember that you have the upper hand sometimes. You can really advocate for change in a way that is you're advocating for change from the inside.

People who have left have advocated for change by saying, you know what? I can't take it any more, but they really need us right now. Districts really need you. I just hope that they remember to use their teacher shortage voice with you, that they know what they have, in a sense.

People who stay and people who want to go into teaching, I hope that the issues that are being highlighted right now don't discourage you, but rather light your fire in the sense that you feel empowered to do something about it and shine a light on these issues, versus, oh, my gosh, it's so awful right now, there's nothing that can be done. I think that there is.

I think that we're stronger together than we are apart. We should continue talking about it. I am also praying for those still in the field and sending you all the good vibes. I'm on maternity leave, though.

Marnetta: Lucky. Many of our audience members are policymakers, district readers, school directors. You said that you believe that there's something that can be done. What do you want them to know?

Arielle: If you are in charge of making policy, just laws doling out funding, please listen to educators in the classroom. The people that are in the field right now, not administrators or board members, not even necessarily the random voter on the street, but really honing in on what it is that teachers need in your community, in your state, whatever level you're representing people on. Those people in the classrooms are the ones who know what they need and really trust what they say. It's what I would say.

Miss Redacted: I'll take that even a step further, because you took the words out of my mouth. Listen to teachers because they are the ones there. We're in a teacher shortage, friends. Let's sign up to sub. If you are a policymaker, let's get our hands dirty. Let's listen to the teachers inside the classroom. We can sub one day a week.

I would say I also come from a high school teaching background, so this is a little different with elementary, but also really listen to children. I loved when my students would go to school board meetings, and talk, and talk about their experiences. I loved helping, like I said, with civic engagement and education.

I loved helping them prepare for that because teenagers are so much more insightful than we realize, and so many policies get passed that affect their school day that really negatively affect their mental, social, and emotional health. I would say listening to kids’ experiences. I'm very much in favor of choice being left to teachers and to kids.

I think giving teachers the flexibility and freedom to know their students and know what they need to do for themselves in their classroom. There were so many times I was acting on policies that I knew were not helpful to my students, but I was acting on it, because someone was going to come through with a clipboard and send me a really mean email if I didn't act on it.

I would say, listening to the people that are experiencing your policies and being willing to let a little bit of the control out of your hand. I know that's really scary, but teachers know what kids need. Not every kid needs the same thing. There can't be a policy that's going to be perfect and encapsulate every single child's educational needs.

Arielle: And administrators, in particular, hold a lot of that power. I know that it's hard, because we're held to these rules by our administration, but administration is putting these things into place because their boss says, the school board says. But I think having an administrator who really stands up for student-centered policy and learning, and listens to teacher voice, those administrators are gold. They are so valuable.

But I think having an administrator who really stands up for student-centered policy and learning, and listens to teacher voice, those administrators are gold. They are so valuable.

I had an administrator last year who I was like, I would teach for you at the bottom of the ocean, because she just, time and time again, came to me and wanted to be student-centered, wanted my input, regarded me as an expert in my classroom, and a professional of my field. You'd be surprised how infrequently that happens. I just think that having some administrators who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty—I like the way you put that—that would be really valuable to us as teachers.

Miss Redacted: Another comment on the administrator. I have seen a circle of five administrators discussing what they were going to do because we needed two subs for the day.

Arielle: No, you didn't.

Miss Redacted: If I couldn't do it, what are we doing? I was there fighting with the [...] and I was like, if only there were five masters level certified adults standing in this room right now.

Marnetta: I love what you said, Arielle. Here at CLASS, we talk about interactions and how they are foundational to student success and all those things. That administrator created, she valued you, you felt heard, you felt seen, she listened. You had trusted her, you guys had this relationship, and you would do anything for her. That's the power of interactions.

That just mirrors or parallels what we do here at CLASS with teachers and children. I just had to throw that in their plug. I also love the idea of the subbing, because a lot of administrators are removed from that experience. Children, how they learn, grow, develop in society, and how it changes, what's happening in the classrooms now wasn't happening when they were in classrooms.

There's a total different shift. I do think that subbing, doing some community, maybe service days, where you're in there getting your hands dirty, as you said, and really having some hands-on concrete experiences, would be helpful for them to be more effective in their service in support of teachers in the classroom. But I digress. Nobody asked me that question.

Miss Redacted: No, that's great.

Marnetta: I'm guessing with all of your comments, you're not sad about not returning to school in the fall.

Miss Redacted: Arielle, I'll let you take that because you're on mat leave.

Arielle: I'm really sad. I am. I miss it so much. I am one of the teachers that Redacted was talking about, one of those people that has always wanted to be a teacher. The state of how teaching made me feel last year really broke my heart in a very unique way, because it is my dream job.

I know that we shouldn't as teachers, but I've definitely made teaching an integral part of my personality. My students are so important to me. To not be in the classroom is something that's very challenging for me. It's something I'm grappling with as a new mom.

At the same time, I am thankful that I do have this opportunity on podcasts, social media, and all these different avenues to connect with educators, and just try to elevate voices of people in the field, people who left, and still talk about education, even though I'm not there. But, yeah, I am sad, actually. It's hard.

Miss Redacted: To echo the same thing, I was absolutely heartbroken. When I left the classroom, it was extremely hard, and then I was like, okay, I'm feeling better. Then when fall hit and school started, it just hit me like an absolute ton of bricks.

I'm in a place now where I don't regret my decision at all. I have learned so much by being in a corporate role that it makes me so excited to eventually go back to teaching once it's financially viable for me, whether that's through doing something outside of teaching or something change happening within the pay structure here.

I also think I'm a big advocate of people who are not lifetime teachers, being in the classroom. I think it's amazing for kids to hear from teachers that have experience from a variety of different fields and places. I think it's really great. I'm excited to take what I've learned eventually and hopefully within the next couple of years, go back into the classroom, because there's no magic like it.

As much as we say to people, the administrators, it's so hard, and the policies. It is, and it's real, and it's all of it. I don't know if other people feel aside, but if I'm in front of a room teaching children history, that is where I know I'm right in the world, and it's the most magical feeling. It's a high that you will never get in a cubicle.

Marnetta: Most definitely. I completely agree. When I go to do a class observation or coaching visit, I just want to jump in to do stuff. I'm like, oh, I really missed the classroom. There's nothing like it at all.

Well you guys, our time is up. Can you believe it? It went by really, really fast. I thank you guys so much for joining me today.

Arielle: Thank you for having us. I'm so happy to have this conversation.

Miss Redacted: Me too. It was so great to be here.

Marnetta: Wonderful. All right, guys. You can find today's episode and transcript on our website, As always, behind great reading and teaching are powerful interactions. Let's build that culture together.