Teacher activation in myTeachstone is a critical first step in getting the most of out the system. There are many creative ways to encourage initial teacher login; however, I want to dig into one particular strategy that I’ve seen programs use to achieve 100% activation in myTeachstone: The Stand-By List. Here’s how it works.
What’s a Stand-By List?
Stand-by lists function the same way a sign up process works for any other event with limited space. This strategy works well for programs that have purchased a limited number of myTeachstone seats for teachers. If executed well, this strategy creates a feeling of pride and exclusivity for teachers that “get into” the myTeachstsone program—they truly feel like they have been selected to become a myTeachstone teacher! And if you’re someone that manages your professional development budget, you can feel good knowing that teachers are making use of your program’s investment in myTeachstone.
How does it work?
Part 1: Facilitate Initial Teacher Activation
- If you have purchased 50 teacher seats in myTeachstone, start by collecting the names of all teachers who would like to participate in the program.
- Send the first 50 to your account manager for loading into myTeachstone.
- Set a clear timeline for activation (a 30-day window works well).
- Inform the teachers who have been selected and communicate the timeline. (A congratulatory email from their coach or yourself is a great way to keep them excited about their participation).
- Keep a waitlist list of teachers not selected in the first round on hand as a stand-by list.
Part 2: Manage Deadlines and Motivate Teacher Usage
- If following the 30-day timeline; email the teachers who have not yet activated at the end of the second week of access. Remind them about what myTeachstone is all about and the opportunities within it for supporting their professional development.
- Alert their coaches as well so they can follow up and encourage teachers to get active in myTeachstone.
- Once the first month has passed, remove teachers that have not yet activated and replace them with teachers from the stand-by list (as an administrator in myTeachstone, you can access teacher activation information and replace teachers—let your account manager know if you need help with this step!).
- Repeat the process with new teachers by providing a 30-day window to activate (with a gentle reminder email at the two-week mark).
How do you get teachers active in myTeachstone? Have you tried something to encourage your users to login that worked? Find out how Mini University got their teachers excited during their myTeachstone implementation. Watch the Ask Me Anything: Jump Start Your School Year with myTeachstone recording today!