Our third annual InterAct CLASS Summit is just around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited. This year, we’re gearing up for our biggest event yet, with more CLASS educators than ever before. But event attendance is certainly not the only thing that is improving. Here are a few exciting new aspects of the Summit for this year:
A Renewed Focus on Action
Too often, we attend conferences with the best of intentions but then fail to actually implement what we've learned once we're back home. This year, our theme is Maximizing Your Impact—Today and Tomorrow. We’re doubling down on the quality of the sessions, and working with all session presenters to ensure that attendees benefit from common learning objectives. These objectives include reflecting on current practices and developing actionable plans to take new learnings back home.
New Session Tracks
Last December we received a record number of high quality session proposals (a good problem to have!). As we organized and accepted submissions, we were thrilled to see the new trends that are emerging in our field. One of the new tracks that came from our selection process is Culture of CLASS and Leadership. These sessions will explore what it means to develop a culture of CLASS, how to build strong CLASS leadership, and how to build a parallel process of CLASS philosophies at all levels of an organization.
The InterAct Learning Lounge
The Teachstone Team is always hard at work developing and testing new learning services. But how often do you get a sneak peek into the cutting edge of those innovations? This year, we’re thrilled to host the new InterAct Learning Lounge, where you can do just that. It will be a place to explore new products, provide feedback, or take a social break.
Exclusive Access to the New CLASS Learning Community
In this field, we have difficult tasks ahead of us—but together we can achieve a lot. The value of the InterAct CLASS Summit comes from the connections we make with one another. That's why we’re establishing a new registrant benefit—a year-long membership into the CLASS Learning Community. We’ll use the community to foster connections before, during, and long after the Summit is over. It will help us continue important conversations, share resources, and hold each other accountable to the plans we make together.
The City of New Orleans
If you’ve been to New Orleans, then you already know it's a magical place! It’s an honor to host the InterAct CLASS Summit in the historic French Quarter. Whether you’re into delicious cuisine, amazing live music, or rich history and culture, New Orleans is the place to be. We encourage attendees to find time to experience the city and all it has to offer.