Since 2018, over 10,000 educators and counting have enrolled in a CDA with CLASS® program. That’s a milestone in and of itself. But when you zoom out, it means that tens of thousands of children are now cared for by these professionals. And, when you think of the number of meaningful, high-quality interactions that happen each and every day? It’s not unreasonable to think that there are a hundred thousand or more brain-building moments that happen daily because learners have enrolled in a CDA with CLASS program.
Here’s why early childhood providers and teachers know that the CDA with CLASS is the right choice:
The CDA with CLASS is the only Child Development Associate preparation program powered by CLASS. The interactions that matter most - that research shows are critical for children’s learning and development - are highlighted, while educators earn a valuable credential. And, each program is full of videos and materials that showcase these powerful interactions in real classrooms, helping learners see these ideas and best practices in action.
This course has truly changed the way I think and feel about education, being an educator and how I teach and interact with my students. Every day is a new day to try something new or apply a newly learned concept and see how I can fit it into my class. Did it work? If no, how can I improve on It? This class is teaching me so much.
You can choose the CDA experience that’s right for you, on your schedule. Early childhood providers and educators know the value of furthering their knowledge and credentials. They’re also some of the busiest professionals around. That’s why we offer multiple options for earning a CDA with CLASS. Tap into the knowledge and support of a facilitator who can give guidance and support pacing towards completion in 24 weeks. Or, choose the on-demand option to work completely at your own pace. Complete coursework on a computer, or access our easy-to-use platform on a mobile device. No matter what works best for you, flexibility is built into the program.
The CDA with CLASS lets you take the best first step - while planning for your next one. Our programs have received the CDA Gold Standard. The high-quality program you take will prepare you to earn your credential and meet other professional development goals with CEUs or college credit. If you decide to keep going, you can apply to seamlessly transfer your college credits (earned at a great value!) into a Waldorf University Associate’s program.
You can get it all done. There’s no doubt about it - earning your CDA takes work. That’s why the CDA with CLASS programs have built in supports to get you as close as possible to the finish line. You’ll build your required portfolio as part of the coursework, so not only will you have your CEUs or college credits, you’ll be two steps closer to obtaining your CDA.
We’re so proud of the thousands of learners that have taken advantage of the flexible options, supportive and engaging courses, and unique focus on CLASS-based interactions in our CDA with CLASS programs. The early childhood workforce is stronger because they’re in it.
Ready to join over 10,000 of your colleagues?
Learn more about enrollment options for the CDA with CLASS.