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Illustrating Concept Development Using Personal Examples


Look For

As you watch this video, look for how the trainer:
  • Illustrates a point with several examples and further drives comprehension with contrasting examples
  • Explains the topic in her own words and with her own examples
  • Surveys the participants to gauge their understanding
The trainer also:
  • Responds sensitively to participants when there seems to be confusion


What are some examples of questions a teacher might ask that appear to be prompting deeper thinking about a subject but are actually rote? How could you rephrase these questions so that they do prompt deeper thinking?

Read the blog post Coding Concept Development for ideas about how to discuss this dimension with participants.

Try practicing the activity featured in this clip by coming up with your own version. Think of a common classroom scenario and describe what that scenario would look like with highly effective Concept Development and what it would look like with less effective Concept Development. See how much evidence you can come up with for each in the space of 1 minute.

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