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Scaffolding Understanding of Instructional Learning Formats


Look For

As you watch this video, look for how the trainer:
  • Begins a discussion with a summary statement to focus participants’ attention
  • Surveys the participants to gauge their understanding
  • Corrects a misconception in a participant's initial response
  • Draws a parallel to another CLASS dimension
The trainer also:
  • Jokes around with participants
  • Affirms a participant’s conclusion


What does it look and sound like when a teacher is using effective learning formats in a classroom?

Read the blog post Miss Matters of CLASS on Clarity of Learning Objectives for ideas on how to discuss this indicator with participants.

Next time you’re in a classroom or your CLASS Video Library, note strategies and materials the teacher uses to engage the children in learning. Write a short paragraph describing what you saw and decide if what you’ve described is high-, mid-, or low-range effectiveness. Then rewrite the paragraph so that it reflects a different range of effectiveness.