Recently, I conducted a TTT program and one of my participants, a veteran Affiliate Trainer on another age level, asked me where her participants could find the practice videos. She knew that it was important for them to review the videos as they prepared to test, but she wasn’t sure how to help them find them.

Feeling quite certain that others may have the same question, I thought I’d write a quick blog to tell you where your participants can find the training videos. 

Once you close out your training, your participants will receive an automated email that congratulates them on completing the training. At the same time, a green box containing the same message appears at the top of their myCLASS page. At the bottom of this box is a link that says, “View Test Instructions.”

CLASS Affiliate Trainer Blog Practice Videos

Clicking on this link takes them to a myriad of supports that they can access as they prepare to test. As they scroll down, they can see the links to the training videos and the practice video.

CLASS Affiliate Trainer Blog Practice Videos

Encourage your trainees to review the training videos and code the practice video and compare their codes to those in the Master Code Justification booklet.

What do you do to help your participants prepare for the reliability test?


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