Does this scenario sound familiar to you?
You're in a coaching session trying to help your teacher understand how to be more intentional in her interactions with children in the dimension of Concept Development. When you start to explain what analysis and reasoning look like, she looks at you with that quizzical look in her eye. You suggest, “Let’s look at the Dimension Guide on page 19 and let’s read these informational paragraphs.
That’s a great start, but what would you do next? How can you make the text in the Dimensions Guide come alive? How do you get a teacher excited about Instructional Support when the concepts seem dry, or—dare I say—boring?
It’s not an uncommon challenge. That’s why Teachstone offers Instructional Support Strategies (ISS) at all of our regional trainings.
This training is geared for coaches, center directors, or professional growth providers looking for creative and engaging ways to get teachers to buy into the CLASS tool—specifically in the domain of Instructional Support.
What You’ll Learn
In this all day training you will learn eight concrete strategies to not only increase teacher’s understanding of the Instructional support domain, but also how to identify effective interactions using the video library. Instructional Support Strategies will guide you to provide a learning environment that is engaging and will increase your teachers desire to learn.
Want an added bonus? You will leave this training with a deepened understanding of the Instructional support interactions as well.
What to Expect
This training is hands on. You will learn and practice the use role-play, Video Library resources, and reflective questioning. Trainees also work on lesson plans to enhance Language Modeling, Quality of Feedback, and Concept Development interactions between teachers and children.
I don’t want to ruin any surprises, but you can look forward to playing with a few Legos® and Play-Doh as you talk about Quality of Feedback.