We are thrilled to have Marla Muntner guest blog for us today. Marla has spent most of her professional life supporting teaching and learning—inside and outside of the classroom. She’s worked for newspapers, nonprofits, public schools, and education companies. As the former Marketing and Communications Manager for Teachstone, she thrived on creative work through designing instructional programs, managing complex projects, leading creative teams, and designing engaging communications materials.

Think back to a teacher you once knew—someone who recognized your talents, understood your jokes, or pushed you to meet your true potential. Now ask yourself: What worked about that relationship? How did that teacher connect with you and leave you thinking wistfully about her all these years later?

When I invite people to take this trip down memory lane, they most easily drum up one story—maybe two. But, what would it be like if we all had teachers like this, year after year?

It turns out that those aspects of teaching that we all know matter can be measured and systematically improved. That’s the promise of the CLASS system.

I used to describe good teaching as an art. And Robert Pianta, the co-founder of Teachstone, often refers to the science of teaching. The CLASS system honors both of these perspectives, allowing us to measure what we all know matters, and to use what we learn to improve teaching and learning.

Learn more about how you can use the CLASS system to Learn about, Measure, and Improve the kind of teaching and learning we all value. Take two minutes to watch this short video.