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Video Collection: Trainers in Action

Welcome to your Trainers in Action video collection!

Here you can brush up on different aspects of delivering CLASS trainings.


  • We recommend that you begin by reviewing the videos found in Talking about CLASS, where you’ll see trainers discussing and modeling various components of the CLASS measure in their trainings.
  • From there you can move on to CLASS Training Tips and watch trainers and participants engaging in activities and discussions that set the stage for an understanding of CLASS concepts.
  • Lastly, check out Digging Deeper to see examples of trainers helping participants refine their understanding of the CLASS tool.

Although the videos have each been selected to illustrate one of these focus areas, trainers simultaneously employ strategies and behaviors from all three throughout their trainings: they explain the CLASS measure, engage participants in conversations and activities, and help participants deepen their understanding. Each video is accompanied by two bulleted lists: the first points out key trainer behaviors related to the main area of focus, and the second will note any behaviors related to the other video collection categories.

Talking_about_CLASS_2.png CLASS_Training_Tips_2.png Digging_Deeper_2.png

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