If you are responsible for supporting teacher growth, I can make an educated guess about you: you are super busy.
I can also guess that you are invested in helping teachers improve their interactions with children because you know how important these interactions are to the children in their care.
To honor that, you have important work to do and not enough time to do it, so let's get right to the point.
- CLASS data provides valuable insight into the typical interactions children experience within a classroom.
- Improving these interactions is the most significant goal you can have when working with teachers because interactions are the most significant factor in children's development.
- Thus, knowing how to effectively make use of CLASS data when you don't have a lot of time is among the most significant skills you can develop.
For this reason, we worked with expert teacher-coaches to develop the course "Using Data to Support Teachers: Formal Observation Reports." The course focuses on helping you know what to do when you receive teachers' formal observation reports on myTeachstone.
Three Reasons to Take the Course:
- You'll see a strengths based approach, done right. Two common misperceptions are addressed. One key principle is illustrated. Quickly. Clearly.
- You'll “talk” with a peer coach about how she uses formal observation data to support her teachers.
- You'll get to practice using a formal observation data to support a teacher just as you would with own teachers.
Start learning now. Click the link here or login to myTeachstone and search for "Using Data to Support Teachers: Formal Observation Reports." Finish whenever is convenient for you. Happy learning!