If you haven't already heard, we've recently added a brand new CLASS-aligned content series to myTeachstone, all focused on supporting dual language learners (DLLs).
As there are quite a few resources, we created this guide to make these new CLASS professional development resources as accessible as possible! Below, you'll find detailed information about each type of resource and how to use it to maximize your teacher support!
Step 1: Start with the primer
Use this PDF resource as your starting point for the exploring the DLL content. It contains an extensive list of research-based teaching strategies to support DLLs. You’ll also find answers to frequently asked questions about supporting DLLs here.
English version: Dual Language Learners: A Primer for Teachers
Spanish version: Niños que aprenden en dos idiomas (DLLs): Un manual básico para maestros
Step 2: Review the viewing guide
Once you’ve read the Primer, this PDF resource is your next stop. The viewing guide functions as a table of contents for the whole DLL content series. The first table lists the strategies from the Primer that you can currently see examples of in our video series and shows where you can find them. All the video names in the charts are clickable links to the resources. Below the video guide, you’ll find another chart. This table shows how the research on DLL teaching strategies is aligned to the Pre-K CLASS dimensions. Finally, Beyond the Video Series contains links to the other PDF and the Links.
English version: Dual Language Learner Video Series Viewing Guide
Spanish version: Guía para ver la serie de video sobre los niños que aprenden en dos idiomas (DLLs)
Step 3: Leverage video models
These 7 videos model DLL teaching strategies in action. The videos are non-scripted and intended to feel relatable. Of the 7 videos, 1 video is all in Spanish, 2 are all in English, and 3 contain a mixture of English and Spanish. It’s easy for all users to work with the videos, because they have English and Spanish language captions that can be turned on as needed. In order to turn on the subtitles, click the cc button in the bottom right-hand corner of the video player and choose your language. In order to support English and Spanish speaking users, two versions of each video have been added to myTeachstone (one with English resource page text and the other with Spanish resource page text). Video titles are followed by (English) or (Spanish) to indicate the resource page language.
The structure of the resource page is similar to other myTeachstone video content. You’ll find Look Fors that orient users to the DLL teaching strategies depicted in the video. Each chart details how DLL teaching strategies are used in the video and shows how those interactions are CLASS-aligned. The reflective questions prompt teachers to think deeply about why these teaching strategies are beneficial to DLLs and how they might use them in their classrooms.
DLL Teaching Strategies Video Series: To find the videos, simply search "DLL" in your resource library search bar, then select video as your resource type.
Step 4: Check out the Companion Links
We’ve also added three new linked resources to myTeachstone created by the Office of Head Start and the U.S. Department of Education. These resources discuss the cognitive benefits of bilingualism, individualizing language support for each child in your classroom, and the importance of using Classroom Language Models. Of these links, only “Talk, Read, and Sing Together Every Day! The Benefits of Being Bilingual” is available in both English and Spanish.
Companion Links: To find these links, simply search "DLL" in your resource library search bar, then select link as your resource type.