We are thrilled to have Marla Muntner guest blog for us today. Marla has spent most of her professional life supporting teaching and learning—inside and outside of the classroom. She’s worked for newspapers, nonprofits, public schools, and education companies. As the former Marketing and Communications Manager for Teachstone, she thrived on creative work through designing instructional programs, managing complex projects, leading creative teams, and designing engaging communications materials.

I don’t get out of the office much. Or so I like to say. That’s one of the reasons I’m excited about our new case studies project.

I get to talk to educators like you—who are focused on improving teacher-child interactions—to learn about their work and help them share their stories. And I learn all kinds of amazing things about practical, insightful ways to put the CLASS system to use.

Check out the Denver Preschool Program (DPP). This staff of four provides tuition support to all Denver four-year olds. They serve over 5,000 children in 600 classrooms citywide, and they have their own five-level system for rating classroom quality that includes the CLASS measure.

Before they got started with their rating system, they did some impressive foundational work to build support at all levels, and this investment has paid off. Take a look at the DPP case study and see what lessons you might learn to inform your launch of the CLASS system.

Want to share your CLASS system story? Post a summary of your work here or email me at marla.muntner@teachstone.com. You just might be selected to provide our next case study.