Facilitating a brand new training can come with a mix of emotions like anxiety, nerves, and excitement. I recently experienced every one of those emotions and then some as I prepared to deliver a new training. I wanted to ensure that I learned the new content to fidelity, so I spent hours reviewing and studying. I viewed the training videos. I prepared some awesome reflective questions to ask my participants. I brainstormed activities to engage the group, and I rehearsed my PowerPoint slides. My facilitator binder and manuals have never seen so many highlighter marks!
With preparation complete, it was go-time! I put on my “CLASSes” and knew that if I focused on the importance of interactions, it would all come together. And it did.
How did this particular Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI) training feel different? In this new three-day training we learned and put an even greater emphasis on the “Know, See, Do” approach. We want teachers to "Know" what effective interactions are and the impact they have on our new age group. Next we want teachers to "See" quality interactions. They view effective and less effective videos during the training. We know that seeing classroom interactions builds teachers' self-awareness of their own practices. Finally, this particular MMCI emphasizes the "Do" of the "Know, See, Do" approach. The teachers will practice and reflect on effective interactions.
Are you interested yet?
Drumroll, please! It’s time to announce; you can become Infant/Toddler MMCI certified! Teachstone released a new age level of MMCI: Infant and Toddler! This project has been in the works for a while. It has taken many hours of dedicated Teachstone employees to make it happen!
Your program can take part in the I/T MMCI Coach Training one of two ways. Option 1 is a one-day onsite or remote training if you already hold certification in another MMCI age level. Or, you can begin your MMCI journey with a three-day coach course.
Once you have attended the training, you will be able to lead the Infant/Toddler MMCI in two ways. One way is in six sessions of four hours each, or twelve sessions of two hours each. The MMCI sessions help infant and toddler teachers improve classroom interactions.
If you want to find out more about Infant/Toddler MMCI, please email contact@teachstone.com. You can also browse our list of upcoming trainings for more information.