My life was forever changed on May 20, 2015. That was the date of the last episode of The David Letterman Show. I was not just any David Letterman fan. I had been watching him since I was a little girl. He started out on game shows and even had a morning show on NBC when I was just a kid. I’m not exactly sure why I like him, aside from his sense of humor. Maybe it is because we both have a gap between our front teeth, or maybe because we share a love for meditation, or perhaps it’s because we both enjoy a good stogie once in a while. So in homage to David Letterman here are the Top Ten Teachstone Blogs that as a trainer, I find helpful to share with my participants.
10. 3 Free Resources to Share with Someone New to CLASS - Good for people who are new to CLASS.
9. 5 CLASS Reliability Test Hacks - This blog has 5 very helpful tips concerning scoring and note taking.
8. Confessions of a Perfectionist: Failing CLASS Reliability - This blog was written by a Teachstone staff member who shares what it’s like to not pass reliability the first time around.
7. The Truth about CLASS Reliability Pass Rates - This blog shares some true facts about reliability testing.
6. Busting 3 Common CLASS Coding Myths - This blog dispels some common myths relating to scoring.
5. Remaining Objective: Moving Beyond “I Felt Like...” - An explanation of how personal bias may intrude on our CLASS lens.
4. Get By with a Little Help from Your Trainer - Test-taking advice from a very experienced CLASS trainer.
3. CLASS Coding: Don't Play the Numbers Game! - Five reasons you should assign the full range of scores.
2. Is the CLASS Tool Subjective? - A handy blog to share with trainees to clarify how the CLASS tool is truly objective.
1. 10 Things to Do Before (and During) Your Reliability Testing - 10 helpful tips on how your trainees can pass reliability testing.
Now, I think these are all great posts. Please take a few minutes to read them before you recommend them-- ou won’t be sorry! Be on the look out for my next Top 10 blog. It’s in the works now, folks!