If you’re anything like me, the first time you explored myTeachstone you were intrigued, excited... and, admittedly, overwhelmed. With all the ins and outs of the system, including a massive professional development library with over 500 resources, it’s easy to feel this way.
We’re Here For You
We’ve designed step-by-step recommendation pathways for coaches offering specific units of study, including carefully selected resources to recommend to teachers, written prompts for beginning online conversations, and follow-up suggestions for keeping the conversations flowing between coaches and teachers, or coaches and groups of teachers.
Looking Ahead
We hope these pathways will help coaches better acquaint themselves with myTeachstone and all the many resources and features it has to offer. As coaches continue to use these pathways, we hope they will become more confident in making the most of the system, and feel comfortable modifying the pathways as needed to better individualize support for the teachers they serve.
Check out the Recommendation Pathways
The following recommendation pathways are available for download below; each unit includes content recommendations for approximately 12 weeks and aligns to a unique CLASS age level and specific area of focus:
- Infant: Supporting Relationships and Communication
- Toddler: Building Relationships and Getting Kids Talking
- Infant/Toddler: Building Relationships and Supporting Communication
- Pre-K: Building Relationships and Getting Kids Talking
Need extra help?
For coaches looking for technical assistance (for example: learning how to recommend a resource or search for a teacher), the following supports are available:
- Contact Teachstone! We’re always happy to help!
- Check out the Coach Technical User Guide with click-by-click instructions for how to use the coaching features in myTeachstone.
- Watch this short video to help you get started.
We are excited to support coaches in fully utilizing myTeachstone. Our goal is to help streamline your online coaching efforts so you can focus on your teachers and what you do best. If you have suggestions or ideas for how we can better meet your needs, please let us know in the comments or talk to anyone at Teachstone! We’re all ears!