Have you been noticing, in many of our recent blog posts, how the authors have been referring to themselves as CLASS Specialists? And have you been furthering wondering why your favorite CLASS Staff trainer, or your equally favorite Professional Development Specialist have both been referring to themselves as CLASS Specialists? Wait, what? What happened?

Well, our Training and Professional Development departments have recently undergone a bit of a structural cha ... wait, you know what? Let’s just have Cierra Johnson (former Staff Trainer) and Jaquelynn Jauregui (former Professional Development Specialist) explain it to you, in their own words! 



Even though this update is pretty specific to Teachstone, we thought it was a good example of something great that is also happening in the field: the integration of classroom data with aligned coaching and professional development opportunities. In a way, you can think of our new team structure as the reflection of a changing (and improving) field! Why keep reliability trainers and PD specialists separate, when what they do is so connected? 

P.S. We've added a Bonus Blooper video for your enjoyment below. Just try watching this without cracking a smile! 



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