Brad is a financial and operational all-star with experience in accounting, finance, business operations, and sales. No stranger to challenge—or numbers—Brad spent the first 10 years of his career in public accounting with Hantzmon Wiebel, LLP, helping diverse companies in diverse economic environments succeed. Brad left public accounting to focus on “growth stage” companies, helping them navigate rapid growth while anchoring them in solid infrastructure for their long-term success. He served as Director of Operations of Cell One for 10 years and as CFO of Blue Ridge Numerics for 5 years. As Teachstone’s CEO, Brad is taking care of business (every day!) as he manages our strategic and operational growth. He’s committed to making Teachstone a great place to work and a great partner to work with. Brad earned his BS in Business Administration from Bridgewater College.
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Thompson, 7th Grade (English)