"I’ve completed my training. I’m done... right?"
Wrong! An important part of the training is the follow-up you provide your participants. Unfortunately, no matter how many times you tell them to contact you if they don’t pass the test, some will hesitate to do so. Who knows why? Perhaps they didn’t study. Perhaps they ignored all of your carefully crafted advice on how to test. Or maybe they are just embarrassed. The reason doesn’t matter. What does matter that you monitor your participants’ progress.
Tracking your participants is easy. Log onto your Affiliate Trainer Panel, scroll down to the list of your completed trainings, and click the “View Training” link. Just below the list of participants is an extra feature that allows you to generate a reliability report. Checking this link allows you to see who has tested, who still needs to test, and who has passed or not passed.
Better still, if you click on a participant’s numeric score, the system will generate a copy of their score report for you to review. Scroll down and see a summary of how the participant did on each video (overall percentage correct) and see if they had a tendency to under or over code any of the videos. Scroll down again to see how they did on each domain. Be sure to click on the + sign to the left of each domain name to view the dimension level scores.
Armed with this information, you are in a good position to help your participants prepare for the next test. And be on the lookout for our next blog post for tips on providing reliability support. In the meanwhile, share your thoughts in the comments section below!