I’m no tech-nerd. And if you’re anything like me, you probably cringe when you see couples sitting in restaurants blankly staring at their phones instead of talking to one another; or worse yet, toddlers eerily scrolling through an iPad with ease as if it were as natural as sucking on a bottle. Although I’m relatively young, I’ve never been into gadgets—to give you an idea, I was still using a flip phone less than a year ago. Technology was never a passion of mine until I began working at Teachstone and saw the ways it could impact education for the better.
In an age where it seems more and more people are disconnected from one another, technology has given us the power to connect—and when teachers, administrators, schools, and communities are connected by shared goals, there’s nothing they can’t accomplish. Here are four ways we are seeing technology impact education, for the better!
Using Data
Humans have been collecting data for many years, but technological advancements are helping us use it in more meaningful ways than ever before. Data management systems are emerging that allow users to do so much more than just collect it, they allow administrators to map progress, coaches to identify areas of improvement, and teachers to develop goals based on objective information.
Video Sharing
When teachers get the chance to see their own teaching practices on video, they can more objectively analyze and understand their interactions. Teachstone has offered MyTeachingPartner Coaching (a proven, video-based coaching model) for years—but it wasn’t until recently that we moved from mailing SD cards to uploading videos through an app. Sharing classroom videos has all sorts of potential to impact the teaching profession for the better!
Building Communities
Sure, open chat rooms and online forums can create a lot of noise. But what happens when teachers from around the world can come together, online, with a purpose? They can share strategies, challenges, and best of all, feel supported by a network of other people with similar goals and passions.
On-Demand Content
Online learning options are making it easier and easier to find relevant, meaningful information on your own time. Online content is becoming more readily available every day, from MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) like Coursera, to myTeachstone, a new subscription-based online platform that will house hundreds of videos and courses for teachers and coaches alike.
Not convinced that technology can have a positive impact? Check out my last post in this series that outlines barriers to engaging effectively in online learning—and ways to overcome them.
How do you see technology changing education (for the better or worse)? Let us know in the comments below.