The CLASS® tool is complex and for good reason. It measures human interactions, which are in and of themselves very complex. While complexity in ...
The CLASS® tool is complex and for good reason. It measures human interactions, which are in and of themselves very complex. While complexity in ...
So, you’re dual-certified on the Infant and Toddler CLASS® tools. Congrats! Not only can you observe in Infant classrooms (birth to 18 months) and ...
Have you ever thought that the CLASS tool seemed subjective? Perhaps you’ve coded with another certified observer and come up with very different ...
So, you’re a Certified CLASS Observer. Now, what? You recertify once a year to make sure you are staying true to the tool—that’s essential. But what ...
Conducting CLASS observations via video is valid and acceptable and can be a good fit for many organizations’ needs.
Quick quiz! Mentally select your answer. How many back-and-forths are needed for an effective feedback loop? One Three Five Seven
The first thing to consider as you develop a CLASS® observation plan for your organization is the purpose or goal of your observations. Are you more ...
In preschool programs, meals can take place in the classroom or in the cafeteria. The CLASS Manual tells us that meal times are perfectly acceptable ...