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Posts by Vicki Kintner-Duffy

Vicki started her education career as a preschool teacher in Shreveport, Louisiana before attending graduate school in North Carolina. Her research focused on supporting educators through teacher education and professional development. Vicki has been at Teachstone for 12 years in a variety of roles: coach, trainer, project manager, and now as the Senior Research & Evaluation Specialist. Her latest projects have been writing and validating CLASS 2nd Edition tools so that all educators and children are better represented in and receiving effective interactions.

I once read that educators make an average of 1,500 instructional decisions a day. There is a lot to manage day in and day out when it comes to ...

I will be honest. I tend to be biased against classroom reward systems. When I see names on the board or stoplights with clothespins, I have to ...

If you have ever been through a CLASS® observation training, you have heard a favorite phrase: “the behavioral markers are not a checklist.” The ...

Take a minute to think of your coaching toolbox. What are some of your go-to questions? Go ahead and list a few. Now reflect on those questions.

In the CLASS® dimension Regard for Student Perspectives, there is an indicator called Support for Autonomy. This means the ability to self-govern or ...

With the increased presence of virtual schooling, parents and educators of young children, including myself, are finding themselves stressed. Are ...

Data. Data. Data. We hear a lot about using data these days. We know it is important and useful, but honestly, it can be overwhelming. So, how do you ...

So far, we have looked at how the look-for text and the CLASS language charts can support teacher learning. For part 3 of this series, let’s examine ...

Last time we looked at how coaches can use the look-for text to focus teacher attention on specific learning objectives. In this post, we’ll consider ...

We all know that coaches and teachers have many time constraints when working to provide high quality care for young children. We designed ...

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