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Coach Tips (2)

Imagine classrooms filled with children who are comfortable taking risks, sharing ideas, and working cooperatively with their peers. Can this become ...

Educators learning about CLASS® are asked to narrate their actions and sportscast their children’s experiences in order to support and encourage ...

Take a minute to think of your coaching toolbox. What are some of your go-to questions? Go ahead and list a few. Now reflect on those questions.

Burnout among early childhood educators is at a whole new level within the last couple of years. Administrators, teachers, observers, and staff feel ...

On November 9, 2021, Teachstone hosted the Building Confidence and Consistency in Your Head Start Program webinar with Sara Diamond, Director of ...

Meltdowns and tantrums in the classroom can be a frustrating experience for both the educator and the child. It's important for educators to support ...

When I was a teacher, I can remember taking care to intentionally plan differentiated, or individualized, instruction. And, when I was teaching pre-K ...

In our webinar, "Interactions at the Core: The Life-Changing Power of Interactions In Any Setting" leaders from across early childhood settings came ...

It’s now been one year since the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered school facilities and forced educators across the globe to shift how they engage ...

Every coach has undoubtedly faced an existential crisis in the midst of a coaching relationship: Where are we? How did we get here? Where are we ...

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