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Leadership & Policy (12)

Preschool programs have been shown by numerous studies to be effective in increasing children’s social and academic achievement by kindergarten ...

Early childhood education is finally getting its time in the spotlight. It’s great to see more and more funding going into programs that will make a ...

At the QRIS National Meeting in July, I sat in on a session about the next generation of quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS) and learned ...

I grew up in Plymouth, Michigan, and the first day of school was always the Tuesday after Labor Day. As I moved south, I was surprised that the first ...

The Complexity of High Quality Care When asked “What do children need for optimal growth and development?” most of us will reply “high quality care.” ...

Congratulations to the USA Women’s Soccer Team! What an amazing accomplishment to be the best in the world. In listening to commentary on NPR, I ...

It seems that every time I sit down to write a blog post I am traveling via plane, train, or automobile to a conference. Today I am headed to ...

When we were in Chicago in July, 2015, we caught up with Vanessa Rich, the President of the National Head Start Association and the Deputy ...

By Rachel Demma, Policy Director, Early Care and Education Consortium Teachstone is thrilled to be a member of the Early Care and Education ...

In my March blog, The Access vs. Quality Debate in Early Childhood Education, I discussed the ongoing debate in early childhood education systems ...

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