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Social-Emotional Learning (3)

Ask any educator why they do what they do, and they’ll most likely respond ‘for the children’ without missing a beat. It’s why I was a teacher and ...

Teachstone, developer of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) included in 23 states' Quality Rating and Improvement Systems and used by ...

Recently, we gathered a panel of social-emotional learning experts on the webinar ‘Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Every Child and Every ...

How have children’s social and emotional needs changed this year? That’s one of the major concerns Teachstone has been hearing from leaders and ...

The time has come for hard conversations. That’s the feedback we have been receiving from educators across the country. There are plenty of tough ...

I was supposed to be an architect, instead I was a teacher of young children; it felt like my calling. When I started my coursework, they tasked me ...

Perhaps your school is already fully in person or using hybrid instruction. Or maybe you, like nearly half of the participants in our recent webinar ...

I recently asked our CLASS® Community to nominate a family childcare provider they thought deserved to be in the spotlight. I asked for stories of ...

Data from the National Survey of Students’ Health (NSCH) indicates that almost half of the students in the United States have experienced one or more ...

One of the initial directives from the COVID-19 pandemic was shelter-in-place. To fuel this approach, life as we knew it changed immediately. Many of ...

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