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Teacher Tips (7)

Reading aloud is more than just a powerful shared experience–it can also be an important tool for building essential life skills for young children. ...

Juneteenth is a federal holiday established in 2021 that celebrates and commemorates the end of slavery in America. Juneteenth is considered the ...

When was the last time you experienced strong feelings in your classroom? Probably every day. Working with children is demanding and can bring up a ...

This month we are celebrating Pride with stories you can use in your classroom or read to your own family to help children understand and celebrate ...

What would the perfect day look like in your classroom? When was the last time you spent time thinking about that? When was the last time you talked ...

Chazz Lewis is an educational specialist who “teaches teachers to teach” in a chain of child development centers. He works closely with schools, ...

Teachstone recently hosted the What Is “Quality” Teaching Anyway? webinar with Laura Iannazzo, Professional Services Manager at Teachstone, and Gena ...

Three reflections that will inspire you to become culturally responsive and make children feel seen, accepted, and recognized. I moved to the United ...

Today starts the kick-off to another Week of the Young Child! While I, and I know others at Teachstone, feel strongly that young children, their ...

Looking for ways to help educators reflect on how teachers perceive “challenging behaviors”? There is a wonderful podcast interview Reframing ...

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