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Posts by Sarah Hadden

Sarah Hadden, Senior Advisor, Training and Professional Development | Sarah is an educator with 30 years of experience in the field. She has been a classroom teacher, a researcher, and a teacher educator. Prior to joining Teachstone, Sarah worked on the development and implementation of the first CLASS-based professional development programs (MyTeaching Partner and the National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education) at the Center for Advanced Studies on Teaching and Learning at the University of Virginia. Sarah conducts Pre-K & K-3 Intro and Observation trainings, Pre-K & K-3 Train the Trainer Programs, and Feedback Strategies and Instructional Support Strategy trainings. Sarah lives in Charlottesville, Virginia. She has conducted CLASS trainings in 28 states (including Alaska and Hawaii) and 4 continents! When she isn’t working, she often has her nose in a book.

Our video bloggers are back to continue their discussion about Instructional Support (did you catch the first video?). This time, Sarah and ...

In last month’s post, An Exception to Scoring Productivity, we talked about exceptions to the general coding protocol of needing to see consistent ...

It happens every time. You introduce a new dimension and think you’ve done a great job of explaining the definition of the dimension, the indicators ...

Yesterday, we spoke with a trainee who had attended two different CLASS Observation Trainings and heard conflicting information related to scoring ...

omm"What is contingent responding?" one of our affiliate trainers asked me recently. In case you didn't know, contingent responding is one of the ...

We're happy to share our third and final post in our series, Notetaking for Trainers. During this series, we'll discuss strategies to help you ensure ...

We're happy to share our second post in our series, Notetaking for Trainers. During this series, we'll discuss strategies to help you ensure that ...

We're happy to introduce our new series, Notetaking for Trainers. During this series, we'll discuss strategies to help you ensure that your trainees ...

This is my first-ever blog post and I’m going to start it with a true confession. When I did my first CLASS Observation training way back in 2006, I ...

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