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Teachstone Blog

As universal Pre-K becomes a real possibility in the United States, it’s important to look at other places that have these systems in place to find ...

The CLASS Learning Community is a community of educators, observers, education leaders, and other educators dedicated to helping every child reach ...

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Jan. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Teachstone, developer of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) included in 23 states' ...

Those working the childcare field are passionate and driven. Even with the best of intentions, change can't happen without investments. Learn about ...

What’s the best way to teach empathy to an infant, toddler, or preschool-aged child? Joanna Parker joins the Teaching with CLASS® podcast to answer ...

Social emotional learning (SEL) is a critical component of school readiness and later academic and social success. Did you know that high-quality ...

The colliding of pandemic health and safety policies and historic underinvestment in early learning has culminated in worrying trends in the ...

It’s almost 2022, and with the new year comes a new chance to re-focus on our role as educators and ECE leaders. Knowing the challenges in our field, ...

Burnout among early childhood educators is at a whole new level within the last couple of years. Administrators, teachers, observers, and staff feel ...

We all want what’s best for our children. There are hundreds of aspects to measure: nutrition, exercise, curriculum, community involvement...the list ...

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