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Teachstone Blog

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Nov. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Teachstone, developer of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) included in 23 states' ...

In the CLASS® dimension Regard for Student Perspectives, there is an indicator called Support for Autonomy. This means the ability to self-govern or ...

Creating a culture of continuous learning is critical to building educators’ abilities, confidence, and in creating consistency of quality teaching ...

After reading Colleen Schmit’s blog post How to Regain Some Joy in the Midst of Teacher Burnout, I started to reflect on the ways in which my work ...

How can we shape innovators starting at a young age? Early childhood educators have a big role in growing that mindset in children that they can ...

“There’s been a positive wave of changes across the great state of Texas,” concluded Beja Williams, regional director at Teachstone, during ...

When I was a teacher, I can remember taking care to intentionally plan differentiated, or individualized, instruction. And, when I was teaching pre-K ...

It's not uncommon for educators in early education to need to strike a balance between following children's leads and sticking to the classroom ...

As an educator, you’re busy. Your time is being split by competing priorities, from managing students’ needs, meeting your program’s goals, and ...

Each October, Teachstone celebrates Head Start Awareness Month. This is a time to acknowledge and applaud the work done to ensure that every child, ...

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