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Teachstone Blog

Most kids like arts and crafts. They’re a great outlet for creativity. Ever watch a child finger-paint and see their delight as they make huge swirls ...

I recently read that the sales of processed foods have soared with the rise of the coronavirus. ‘I Just Need the Comfort’: Processed Foods Make a ...

Children are born musicians. Babies turn their heads when they hear a parent or caregiver sing, toddlers sway to music, and preschoolers dance and ...

Since the coronavirus has disrupted many of our in-person plans, you might be trying to figure out how you can transition in-person coaching to ...

Many of us are stuck at home with children out of school due to the coronavirus. With it came a slew of social media articles with tips, tricks, and ...

Children are used to having a daily routine at school. While your day doesn’t have to follow their school schedule exactly, it’s important to ...

The current situation around the coronavirus can feel like a scary time for children. There is so much uncertainty in the world right now. When a ...

Last Updated: March 16, 2020

Even top athletes rely on the support of a coach to improve their game. Players need coaches to help identify their unique strengths and grow their ...

CLASS allows us to quantify the quality of teacher-child interactions—and that is a powerful thing. But improving child outcomes takes more than just ...

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