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Teachstone Blog

You likely know children in your schools and local neighborhoods who are dual-language learners—eager to explore and whose parents want the best ...

When my first child was born, I was 30. I was also married, had a master’s degree, and taught in a district that paid pretty well. During my ...

As the Community Manager with Teachstone, I have been able to talk to many observers, trainers, coaches, and general CLASS lovers. I have found a ...

I’m often asked how teachers can improve the quality of their interactions around Instructional Support. That’s good! What’s not “good” is that we ...

There's a new and exciting way to contact Teachstone's Customer Support team - by text! You can text us at (866) 998-8352 between the hours of 8 a.m. ...

In the summer of 2018, we began a company-wide conversation to organize the various activities, discussions, and small steps undertaken by many ...

Exciting news! Teacher materials are now available in Spanish for Infant/Toddler and Pre-K CLASS Group Coaching. Both videos below discuss what is ...

Now that school is in session again, you're probably wondering about how you can connect with your students in the classroom and during lessons. The ...

As a Certified CLASS® Affiliate Trainer, I enjoy reading the discussion posts and responses in the CLASS Learning Community. It gives me further ...

Many teachers will agree that their first year of teaching can be one of the most grueling, challenging, and stressful experiences for them as they ...

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