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Teachstone Blog

I confess. I let my daughter watch TV. This is my 2-year old glued to (part of) an episode of Mr. Rogers (or as she calls him, Ra-Ra).

Recently, I conducted a TTT program and one of my participants, a veteran Affiliate Trainer on another age level, asked me where her participants ...

When I was a teacher, improving classroom interactions meant changing my behavior. While this wasn’t always easy, I always felt like I had direct ...

Every time I train, I always try to find ways to make the materials relatable to the participants’ lives, either by telling stories or by giving ...

Most people think about CLASS as a classroom observation measure—and it is—but maybe we’ve been looking at the tool in the wrong way. Let's take a ...

It's true, school cafeterias have a bad rap. Experiences in cafeterias have contributed to some low CLASS scores. For example, one observer was ...

Brace yourself. I’m about to bring up a topic that strikes fear in the hearts of thousands of early childhood professionals—the CLASS reliability ...

The Head Start Designation Renewal System (DRS) is the party that I got an invitation to that I really didn’t want to attend. But, ultimately, we ...

As CLASS trainers, we want our participants to successfully certify. However, we also know that no matter how good our training skills, there’s a ...

Kristy works as a pre-K teacher in Georgia and was willing to sit down with me and talk about what inspires her to teach and more. Her nominator ...

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