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Teachstone Blog

Last week, we introduced you to Teachstone trainers Curry Ander, Lisa Criss, Mary-Margaret Gardiner, and Sarah Hadden. This week, we’d like to ...

My friend Laura and I started teaching at the same time. She chose to work with a very difficult group of kids. Our department chair described the ...

Teachers, what is your reaction when someone talks to you about using CLASS? Do you cringe, thinking of a numerical score? Do you feel overhwlemed, ...

In preschool programs, meals can take place in the classroom or in the cafeteria. The CLASS Manual tells us that meal times are perfectly acceptable ...

Beyond training reliable CLASS observers, our Teachstone trainers play a vital role in delivering on the promise of CLASS. Across the country and ...

Personal biases can challenge observers assessing the quality of teacher-child interactions with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). In ...

Much of what I really needed to know about teaching I learned teaching kindergarteners. I needed to learn it all again when I taught adult students ...

Last fall, we featured one exceptional teacher, Mr. Gissendanner, on our blog, but since we know so many amazing teachers, we want to celebrate as ...

When I went to my first CLASS training, I was so impressed that someone had found a way to quantify the behaviors and things that I had been doing in ...

As a product developer, I’m always on the lookout for effective tips and strategies to infuse into our professional development resources. To that ...

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