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Teachstone Blog


In last month’s blog post in our family child care (FCC) series, we looked at the challenge of maintaining objectivity. This month’s we'll look at ...

I recently received this question from a CLASS observer: Where would an observer enter evidence for an interaction between a teacher and children who ...

The CLASS Feedback Strategies training is almost here! We’re thrilled to share a sneak preview of the exciting new content we’ve developed.

Neuroscience research has repeatedly confirmed that exposure to toxic stress—inescapable, traumatic experiences, such as chronic abuse or ...

How can we expect teachers to prepare children for kindergarten when the CLASS dimension, Regard for Student Perspectives (RSP), contradicts some of ...

There’s nothing more frustrating for teachers and staff—coaches, directors, and administrators—than to work hard to improve interactions but not see ...

Editor's Note: Over two years ago, Marcy Whitebook wrote this blog on the SEQUAL, a classroom and program assessment tool to provide teachers and ...

I’ve just spent four days in Roanoke at this year’s VAECE annual conference. As it always does, this organization—so dear to my heart—put on a high ...

We have been hard at work developing a new 1-day training focused on sharing CLASS™ observations with teachers—CLASS Feedback Strategies: Sharing ...

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