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Infant and Toddler (4)

After reading Colleen Schmit’s blog post How to Regain Some Joy in the Midst of Teacher Burnout, I started to reflect on the ways in which my work ...

When I was a teacher, I can remember taking care to intentionally plan differentiated, or individualized, instruction. And, when I was teaching pre-K ...

It's not uncommon for educators in early education to need to strike a balance between following children's leads and sticking to the classroom ...

As an educator, you’re busy. Your time is being split by competing priorities, from managing students’ needs, meeting your program’s goals, and ...

Last week we hosted Back to School with Meaningful Interactions, our first week-long free Teacher Series for nearly 4,000 early childhood educators. ...

At Teachstone, we sometimes hear from educators that they aren’t sure how to help facilitate exploration in their learning environments. The CLASS® ...

I was supposed to be an architect, instead I was a teacher of young children; it felt like my calling. When I started my coursework, they tasked me ...

A language-rich environment is vital to children’s early learning and social-emotional development. A language-rich environment isn’t just a room ...

We're continuing our celebration of Week of the Young Child hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Each day ...

We’re continuing our celebration of NAEYC’s Week of the Young Child with Work Together Wednesday.

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