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Infant and Toddler (5)

Teachstone is celebrating Week of the Young Child, hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). We'll be posting ...

Many of our Teachstone staff members are parents, or enjoy nieces, nephews, godchildren, and “little friends.” It’s wonderful to welcome new ...

Young infants develop a unique relationship—known as attachment—with their caregivers. To develop secure bonds, infants need to know that at least ...

Children need to feel safe before they can explore their surroundings. While curiosity and exploration help awaken children’s talents, teachers help ...

Toddlers reinforce their trust in caregivers while venturing into the world on their own. Along with stable relationships and independence, they need ...

Teachstone has long been an advocate of using CLASS in a variety of educational settings. We're proud to have two case studies about family child ...

We all know people are naturally social beings—we need interactions to survive. But just because we’re naturally social doesn’t mean we know how to ...

In this vlog, you'll hear an overview of Teacher Sensitivity and Facilitated Exploration at the Infant level. Mary-Margaret introduces Responsive ...

Facilitating a brand new training can come with a mix of emotions like anxiety, nerves, and excitement. I recently experienced every one of those ...

Mary Margaret-Gardiner and Sarah Hadden discuss the Toddler CLASS dimension Regard for Child Perspectives. You'll learn why there isn't a student ...

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