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Teacher Tips (22)

It’s not about the “gotcha” No, CLASS observers aren’t out to get you. An observer is not in your classroom to judge you or try to catch you in a bad ...

So, you just found out an observer will be coming to your classroom. Great! But what exactly is an observer, and what the heck will they be doing in ...

We need to let the child do the work of figuring out how to zip up their coat and how letters signify sounds. We need them to keep trying, even when ...

For teachers My daughters were both early talkers (taking after their chatty mother, I’m sure). My oldest’s first word was, adorably, “Mama.” My ...

In my last post, Online Professional Development—Why Bother?, I discussed the benefits of online learning for effective teacher professional ...

What’s the only thing better than helping children learn? Helping children learn while having fun, of course!

Online learning is all the rage. With the advent of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), we have more opportunities than ever before to explore new ...

DEAR MISS MATTERS OF CLASS: Is it appropriate to observe during meal times and transitions (i.e., washing hands after using the bathroom, lining up ...

At Teachstone, we are lucky enough to spend time reviewing videos of fabulous classrooms and teaching moments. Earlier this year, I began a blog ...

If you work in education, then you already know that kids are why we do what we do. However, this can be easy to forget as children are too often ...

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