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Teacher Tips (23)

In preschool programs, meals can take place in the classroom or in the cafeteria. The CLASS Manual tells us that meal times are perfectly acceptable ...

Last fall, we featured one exceptional teacher, Mr. Gissendanner, on our blog, but since we know so many amazing teachers, we want to celebrate as ...

We asked our staff and certified CLASS observers about specific methods they have seen used to support quality interactions. So without further ado, ...

Teachers are amazing planners! They know how to take ideas and turn them into engaging and fun activities. But how does a teacher ensure that ...

Several times in the past few years, I’ve had conversations with colleagues about teachers at the high end of the CLASS scale. It’s very rare to see ...

Whether building relationships, supporting language development, or pushing learning, conversations with children are important. (And fun! And ...

I had the pleasure of presenting a session on the CLASS at a recent conference. Before beginning, I was doing my usual checks to be sure that ...

I’ll admit it: CLASS terms can be a little confusing. For example, problem solving in Concept Development sounds a lot like resolving problems in ...

We recently reposted a popular blog post about asking open-ended questions. We are thrilled that early childhood educators are becoming more ...

Unfortunately, I notice when I’m with children that while I tend to ask a lot of questions, they’re not always open-ended. I really have to work to ...

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