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Posts by Jacquelynn Jauregui

Jacquelynn has been in the profession of early Childhood Education for the past 16 years both as a lead preschool teacher as well as in a coaching capacity. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from National University, and have worked with children and families in California, Virginia, Florida, and Hawaii. Most of her recent experience as a My Teaching Partner coach allowed her the opportunity to help teachers learn more about the CLASS tool and help them enrich their conversations and interactions with children. When Jacquelynn is not working she enjoys spending time in sunny San Diego outdoors with her husband and French Bulldog. Jacquelynn enjoys paddle boarding, tennis, and practicing her golf swing.

Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Wilson, High school English

El primer día que un niño pequeño pasa fuera de casa, ya sea en un preescolar, una guardería en casa u otro lugar de cuidado infantil, puede ser tan ...

Nuestra publicación anterior "Ejemplos del mundo real" se centró en Respeto por las Perspectivas de los Estudiantes. A medida que continuamos nuestro ...

Publicado originalmente el 22 de diciembre de 2016 El respeto por las perspectivas de los estudiantes, tal como lo define CLASS®, es “el grado en que ...

El primer día que un niño pequeño pasa fuera de casa, ya sea en un preescolar, una guardería en el hogar u otro entorno de cuidado infantil, puede ...

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