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Teachstone Blog

Teachstone Approved as an Academic Consultant for the Fort Worth Independent School District Other CTPA members can now benefit from Teachstone’s ...

To be an effective teacher and classroom presence, the adults have to work together as much as or more than the students do. Classrooms work best ...

Moving towards a post-pandemic world, early childhood education is still in a fractured state of recovery. Numerous headlines define the inequitable ...

As TikTok has exploded so has the presence of educator influencers. In today's episode, our host Marnetta takes a deep look at the role of ...

It’s not in question that educational efforts need more funding; the question is what to do with that funding when it’s received. In today’s episode, ...

Strong social-emotional skills are critical for student success in school and later in life. To that end, schools across the United States are ...

Feel intimidated by the idea of advocacy? Many do. Our guest on today's episode of Teaching with CLASS®, Jake Stewart, explains the importance of ...

The CLASS® tool’s Instructional Learning Format (ILF) dimension refers to the ways educators enhance engagement. We all know students who are engaged ...

Educators learning about CLASS® are asked to narrate their actions and sportscast their children’s experiences in order to support and encourage ...

Take a minute to think of your coaching toolbox. What are some of your go-to questions? Go ahead and list a few. Now reflect on those questions.

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