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Teachstone Blog

Greetings! One of my New Year’s resolutions is to blog more than last year. While I’m not the most prolific, when I do post, please know it comes ...

Strong cognitive skills in early childhood are associated with later school success. Cognitive skills are the mental processes that help us think, ...

There are plenty of pre-K skeptics out there. How much can one year of playing on the rug, singing songs, and learning how to share really help kids ...

I recently sat down with Heather Sason, an experienced CLASS observer, and one of the newest members of the products team at Teachstone.

At Teachstone, one of the biggest questions we get about research is, “If we work on educator-child interactions, how much can we expect to improve?” ...

Numerous studies indicate that the CLASS is a valid measure of instructional quality. But, what exactly does that mean? Simply put, it means that the ...

Of course every CLASS Observation Training covers the same material, but every trainer puts their unique spin on it. Find out what your strength is ...

I have a confession to make. Recently, I used vacation time to stay home and watch Season 6 of The Walking Dead. I know, I know. How could I have let ...

At some point in every training, someone invariably looks up and says, “So, if I want to be reliable, all I need to do is never score a 1 or a 7, ...

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin Think back to a time when you were a student in a ...

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